Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Save our current HOME

Well - we don't need to look for other habitable space bodies in order to survive the next 1 thousand years or so - we just need to take good care of our planet. This is our only jewel in the galaxy, and our only sure hope.
But we have to act quickly as we may not have the luxury of time. If we over-over-populate in the next 50yrs, we'll probably wipe out our supply (and supply system) and hence - ourselves.
If we increase our global temperature to 6C or beyond w/in the next 100 or 150 years - our habitable environment will collapse and we'll probably be all gone.
If we continue trashing our ecosystems and reach an irreversible saturation point w/in the next 100 or 200 years- killing the very source of our basic needs - we'll just run out of supply and simply die out.
We may not exist forever, or humans may not rule Earth for another million years - what we want is a little more time in this planet... a few hundred if not a few thousand years more.


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